量測 MEMS 與微結構的動態反應與形貌
表面形貌和動態運動分析與可視化是測試和開發微觀結構(如 MEMS 裝置(微機電系統))的關鍵。它們對於驗證 FE 計算、確定串連效應和測量表面變形是不可或缺的。MSA-600 微型系統分析儀是多合一的光學量測工作站,可用於表徵表面形貌以及平面內與平面外的運動。
MSA-600-M/V 版本涵蓋高達 25 MHz 的頻率範圍,非常適合 MEMS、MEMS 麥克風和其他微系統。MSA-600-X/U 版本涵蓋高至 2.5 GHz 的高頻和超高頻範圍,非常適合評估高頻 MEMS 諧振器、SAW、BAW 等微聲學裝置。
MSA-600-S 是專為 8 GHz 即時震動分析與表面形貌分析所設計的專業光學量測工作站。非常適合測試 GHz MEMS,如 FBAR(薄膜體聲諧振器)、BAW(體聲波)濾波器和 SAW(表面聲波)裝置。
- 专用于显微结构的一体化光学测量工作站
- 真正的实时测量(无需数据后处理)
- MSA-600-M/V 型测试频率高达25 MHz
- MSA-600-X/U 型测试频率高达2.5 GHz
- 新的 MSA-600-S 型测试频率高达8 GHz
- 亚pm级的位移分辨率
- 快速测量,振型可视化
- 操作简便、直观
- 自动化测试系统,易于集成至探针台
- 用于FE模型验证的导入/导出功能(选配)

A-MOB-xxxx Bright Field Objectives
For out-of-plane and in-plane vibration measurement. Available magnifications: 1x, 2x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x and 3.6x, 10x for large working distances.

A-STD-TST-01 Test Stand
Test stand providing ample workspace. With motorized z-axis, travel range 200 mm.

A-STD-BAS-02 Base Stand
Rigid support for the sensor head. Includes manual focus block with 100 mm travel range with coarse and fine drive. Interfaces to commercially available optical tables.

A-STD-F50 Focus Block
Travel range 50 mm. With coarse and fine drive for manual z-axis adjustment of the sensor head. Interfaces with commercially available wafer probe stations.

A-TAB-AIR-01 Active Vibration Isolation Table
Air-damped vibration isolation table with active level adjustment. Compatibility: A-STD-TST-01 Test Stand, A-STD-BAS-02 Base Stand.

A-TAB-ELC-01 Active Vibration Isolation Table
Electronically controlled voice coil stabilization for highest isolation performance. Compatibility: A-STD-TST-01 Test Stand, A-STD-BAS-02 Base Stand.

A-BBO-ME02 Breadboard
Breadboard with metric hole pattern. Footprint 900 mm x 600 mm. Compatibility: A-STD-BAS-02 Base Stand.

A-AVI-MELA Active Vibration Isolation Breadboard
Electronically controlled for highest vibration isolation performance. With metric hole pattern. Footprint 600 x 800 mm. Compatibility: A-STD-BAS-02 Base Stand.

A-ESG-001 External Signal Generator
For high frequency, broadband sample excitation. Remotely controllable by PSV Software.

A-SPK-0008 Wafer Prober Module
Together with the A-PST-200P XY Positioning Stage, the wafer prober module forms a motorized platform for electrical contacting and high-precision measurement of wafers and substrates up to 200 mm in diameter.

A-SPK-0010 Vacuum Prober Module
Vacuum and purge lines. Micro manipulator for handling of four electrical probes.