在大部分医学和生物应用中,MEMS结构是关键的基础性和代表性技术。显微分析系统应用范围广泛,从用于快速医疗诊断的芯片实验室高频表面波应用、到助听器的 MEMS 麦克风、再到基于微系统技术的用于医疗成像的超声换能器。
您可以依赖 Polytec 基于显微镜的非接触式光学测量技术,来确定医疗 MEMS 传感器和致动器的表面形貌和动态特性。例如,基于显微镜的振动测量也用于从自然到技术系统的仿生启发式“技术转移”,如测量昆虫听力的生物力学。

微机械压电超声换能器 (pMUTs)不断突破实时 3D 医学成像(超声检查)的应用极限,如血管内超声 (IVUS) 和超声心动图等。

Development of phononic surface acoustic wave devices
Phononic surface acoustic wave devices have shown great potential for enabling integrated point-of-care diagnostics, using the mechanical energy carried by sound to manipulate liquid samples from patients on low-cost microchips. Reserachers have demonstrated the detection of malaria [Reboud J. et al., PNAS, 2012, 15162-7] from the volume of a fingerprick of blood using an acoustic filter. Laser vibrometry is an essential tool of the development process that permits the visualization of true vibrations on the surface across the entire microchips, thus validating our designs. In the future, more complex assays will be integrated on the platform to detect diseases such as tuberculosis.