A new class – for new ideas

VibroScan QTec measures vibrations in a new way – non-contact and with unprecedented precision. With its groundbreaking multi-path interferometry and diversity combining, QTec® sets new standards in terms of optical sensitivity and interference immunity. It determines operating waveforms and eigenmodes for NVH, acoustics, structural dynamics, ultrasound, FEM validation and non-destructive testing and offers frequency ranges up to 32 MHz. With its SWIR wavelength, the Xtra Laser brings more power to the measurement. This means that larger measuring distances are realized. The combination with QTec® makes the Xtra laser insensitive to the angle of impact and surface. 

The VibroScan QTec Scanning Vibrometer ensures maximum portability. The VibroLink Ethernet data interface reliably transmits vibration measurement data to your notebook and serves as an automation interface.




  • Non-contact and full-field with FEM-like spatial resolution
  • Best SNR on technical surfaces
  • Up to 10x faster with QTec®
  • Upgradeable to up to 30 m/s vibration velocity and 32 MHz
  • AI-supported grid generation
  • Extended evaluation and scripting options
  • Open API and drivers
  • Expandable to a 3D system

Faster results with QTec® multi-path interferometry

The patented QTec® multi-path interferometer technology boosts the signal quality of infrared laser vibrometer (SWIR) decisively. It provides highest optical sensitivity for high-fidelity measurements on all surfaces, which significantly reduces testing time – even on dark, biological, rotating or moving objects. This safe laser technology is perfect for challenging applications also on distant targets. QTec® makes vibration measurements faster, easier and more reliable than ever – for the most robust, unambiguous results.

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3D is as easy as 1D

Connect three stand-alone VibroScan QTec and measure the three-dimensional vibration vector. With three synchronous measurements from three directions, all three dimensions of the vibration open up for analysis.

The hub synchronizes two additional vibrometers with picosecond accuracy - MIMO-capable signal generators included. The PSV software takes over the guidance, detects the position of the individual VibroScans QTec in relation to the object, synchronizes the three laser beams and guides them over the measurement object in a μm-sized measurement spot. The results are automatically transformed into the FEM coordinate system and animated according to the direction of vibration.

A new class – for new ideas

QTec® multipath interferometry for fast and efficient vibration measurement

Accessories and components

Optical Accessories

Vibrometer accessory PSV Geometry Scan Unit
Vibrometer accessory PSV Geometry Scan Unit

PSV-G-700 High Precision Geometry Scanner

Integrated high-performance laser distance sensor for measuring the sample geometry from the scanning vibrometer perspective.

PSV-A-536 Front Window
PSV-A-536 Front Window

PSV-A-526 Protective Window

Protects the scanning mechanism against dust, wind and acoustic excitation at high dB levels.

VibroScan QTec Neo equipped with Close-Up unit and Micro Scan lens
VibroScan QTec Neo equipped with Close-Up unit and Micro Scan lens

PSV-A-710-Xtra Close-up Unit

For close-up measurements, on small parts without parallax.

PSV-A-CL-Xtra-200  Micro Scan Lens
Special optics for laser spot minimization and parallel beam
scanning for small shiny parts.

PSV-A-CL-Xtra-200 Micro Scan Lens

Parallelized beam path for measuring small components and on reflective surfaces. Requires close-up unit.

Vibrometer accessory ring light for PSV Scanning Vibrometers
Vibrometer accessory ring light for PSV Scanning Vibrometers

PSV-A-RLight LED Ring Light

LED ring light for illumination of small test objects. Requires PSV-A-710-Xtra Close-up Unit and PSV-A-CL-Xtra-200 Micro Scan Lens (fig. similar).

A-MIR-S001/ A-MIR-S002 Mirror set
A-MIR-S001/ A-MIR-S002 Mirror set

A-MIR-S001/ A-MIR-S002 Mirror set

Mirror set for measurements in difficult-to-access areas.

Tripods, Test Stands, Positioning Stages

VibroScan QTec Neo equipped with Close-Up unit and Micro Scan lens on PSV-A-T19 vertical test stand
VibroScan QTec Neo equipped with Close-Up unit and Micro Scan lens on PSV-A-T19 vertical test stand

PSV-A-T19 Vertical Test Stand

Test stand for precise vertical positioning of the VibroScan QTec Scanning Vibrometer for measurement on small objects


PSV-A-T37 Vertikal Holder
PSV-A-T37 Vertikal Holder - for convenient overhead vertical mounting of the scanning vibrometer

PSV-A-T37 Vertical Holder

For convenient overhead vertical mounting of the scanning vibrometer, e.g. for shaker tests.

Mobile workstation PSV-A-018 for VibroScan QTec Xtra 3D
Mobile workstation PSV-A-018 for VibroScan QTec Xtra 3D

PSV-A-018 System Cabinet

Ergonomic mobile workstation with storage for all parts and accessories.

Icon accessory
Icon accessory

A-RMK-0004 Rack Mounting Kit

Rack installation kit with two front handles and mounting brackets for installing the PSV-F-700 VibroScan Front-end in a 19" rack.


SAM Scalable Automatic Modal Hammer for excitation in modal testing
SAM Scalable Automatic Modal Hammer for excitation in modal testing

Scalable Automatic Modal Hammer SAM

Excitation of sample for experimental modal tests with repeatable force level. Broadly configurable and avoids double hits reliably.

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Qsources Qlws LightWeightShaker - high-resolution inertial shaker with integrated force transducer and patented decoupling system
Qsources Qlws LightWeightShaker - high-resolution inertial shaker with integrated force transducer and patented decoupling system

Qsources Qlws LightWeightShaker

High-resolution inertial shaker with integrated force transducer and patented decoupling system for modal tests with MIMO excitation

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A-AMP-0001 Amplifier for signal generator
A-AMP-0001 Amplifier for signal generator

A-AMP-0001 Amplifier for signal generator

Amplifies the max. 2 V output signal to max. 10 V with a bandwidth of up to 32 MHz.

PSV-E-Ext External Scanner Control
PSV-E-Ext External Scanner Control

PSV-A-EXT External Scanner Control

Allows for an additional control of the scanning mirrors by external voltage signals. Enables Continuous Scanning Vibrometry and tracking applications.

Vibrometer accessory Acoustic Gate Unit for PSV Scanning Vibrometer
Vibrometer accessory Acoustic Gate Unit for PSV Scanning Vibrometer

PSV-A-430 Acoustic Gate Unit

Activates the gate input if a noise exceeds a certain threshold. Suitable for event trigger applications such as brake squeal measurements.

Your PolyXpert in Vibrometry