Optical metrology in micro and nanoengineering
Challenges and solutions
Polytec helps you to make your research and development projects even more successful, with powerful measurement technology that is precisely tailored to the requirements of microsystems and nanotechnology.
Benefit from expert know-how, applications support and measurement service together with our regional partner Konnexxions. Save your seat at the workshop with top-class speakers “Optical metrology in micro and nanoengineering: Challenges and solutions”.

Motion & topography analysis
The MSA-600 Micro System Analyzer represents the all-in-one optical measurement solution for static and dynamic 3D characterization of MEMS and microstructures- now for up to 6 GHz! The MSA-600 enhances microsystem development and quality inspections - also allowing testing on wafer-level when integrated into commercially available probe stations.
The innovative and patented MSA-650 IRIS Micro System Analyzer with IR capability allows for measuring true MEMS dynamics by characterizing both in-plane and out-of-plane motions through silicon encapsulation of MEMS in final state: without contact, without need for preparing nor decapping the device.
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3D surface characterization
TopMap Micro.View®+ is the next generation optical surface profiler in a modular design to reliably measure form parameters as well as structural details, roughness, texture and microstructures with utmost precision. Integrated Focus Finder and Focus Tracker assist in keeping samples focused at all times, color mode improves failure and defect analysis and the fully motorized positioning units enables automation and speeds up the measurement routines, whether in metrology laboratories or at production level.
See our applications for dynamics analysis
From ultrasonic transducers to micro filters, from FE model validation to performance and reliability testing...
Browse our section of static topography analysis
From lab-on-a-chip to pressure sensors, from structural details to roughness evaluation...