您可简单地将振动测试任务外包给Polytec,或租赁我们最尖端的测试设备。我们的polyexpert团队将为您提供快速可靠的测试报告,这将有利于产品改进及生产线的进一步决策,同时降低您的采购成本,这尤其适用于非频繁测试需求的用户。我们拥有目前世界上最先进的试验室,内有基于工业机器人的RoboVib® 测振站。我们还有经验丰富的应用工程师帮您解决各种复杂振动测试难题,还可以在用户现场帮助完成试验搭建。
- 获取高质量的三维振型动画形式的试验模态数据,以及相应的频响函数,以与您的有限元模型精确相关。
- 获取时域或频域下,详细的工作变形数据,以评估工作条件下的振动特性
- 用于NVH分析(噪音、振动、不平顺性),以优化声学特性,并分析振动对舒适性或使用寿命的影响。
- 非接触式、全场应变测量的高周疲劳(HCF)测试,通常用于涡轮叶片或失谐叶盘
- 在冲击或噪声等瞬态事件中同时测量相对运动,如电动汽车和混合动力电池
- 无损检测(NDT),无需接触,利用兰姆波、局部缺陷共振或模型偏差技术在复合材料样品中定位缺陷
- 在不影响声场的情况下进行声场测试及可视化
- 测试数据可用于设计验证MEMS和微声元器件,振动频率高达2.5 GHz
- 全新技术:创新的IRIS技术透过硅帽测试MEMS,对封装的微系统器件进行高保真测试。
- 受益于最新光学测试技术
- 成本效益最高,无需购买,享受租赁和服务
- 获取高质量测试数据,为进一步开发提供可靠基础
- 非接触式传感器技术,获取真实的振动、动力学和声学特性
- 充分利用外部专业知识和支持,来拓展您的能力
Automated experimental modal analysis as measurement service
Related products
PSV-500-3D Scanning Vibrometer
The PSV-500-3D Scanning Vibrometer measures 3D dynamics in research and product development in a reliable and precise way. Its visible HeNe laser provides outstanding SNR on well-reflecting sample surfaces and is ideal for small samples and under water. The deflection shapes and Eigenmodes detected help you with everything from NVH, acoustic and structurally dynamic issues to ultrasonic analyses, FEM validation and non-destructive testing from DC to 25 MHz.
By combining a 3D scanning vibrometer and an industrial robot, RoboVib® forms an automated test station for measuring everything from complex components to complete vehicle bodies. Reduce testing time and expenses as well as time to market significantly in experimental modal analysis. Conduct comprehensive 360° testing of a vehicle body, for example, within only one-two days and overnight instead of weeks of preparation with conventional test setups.
MSA-600 Micro System Analyzer
The all-in-one optical measurement solution for static and dynamic 3D characterization of MEMS and microstructures- now for up to 6 GHz! The MSA-600 enhances microsystem development and quality inspections - also allowing testing on wafer-level when integrated into commercially available probe stations.
MSA IRIS Measurement Service
This brand new, patented measurement technology allows for comprehensive and representative analysis of Si encapsulated MEMS, measuring dynamics right through silicon caps. Our PolyXperts are looking forward to receiving your capped MEMS samples for modal testing, feasibility studies and consulting throughout all phases from development over prototyping to manufacturing of your encapsulated microstructures.