All-in-One Soundcam Octagon for demanding measurements to localize sound sources

This system is perfectly suited for demanding measurements. Whether performing detailed acoustic analysis of products and components, locating leaks in buildings and pipelines, or performing correlation measurements on rotating machinery for order analysis, the Octagon sound camera is ready to deliver accurate results. Due to the dense microphone distribution, beamforming as well as holography measurements are possible – covering a frequency range of 30 – 24.000 Hz. From acoustic data acquisition to data analysis – this innovative sound camera offers all components for acoustic measurements, data acquisition and data analysis. This allows sound sources to be easily and quickly localized and analyzed.


  • Detailed acoustic analysis of products and components
  • Detection of masked sources
  • Leakage detection for buildings and pipes
  • Correlation measurements order analysis of rotating parts
  • Measurements in R&D, quality assurance, maintenance or environmental acoustics


  • Extremly high acoustic dynamic
  • Excellent holography results due to high microphone density
  • Interface for 4 digital and 4 analog channels
  • Acoustic transparent

The new compact Octagon sound camera is the perfect solution for all challenging measurement tasks when localizing sound sources. It was manufactured in a sandwich carbon construction and is lightweight and robust. 192 MEMS microphones in an acoustically transparent frame guarantee high precision with the highest dynamic.

The all-in-one Acoustic Camera consists of:

  • Microphone array
  • Integrated data recorder and
  • Separate notebook with the software NoiseImage

Acoustic Camera: Leakage detection on windows and doors

Your PolyXpert in Acoustics