Efficient testing by automated vibration measurement
The automation of measurement processes and evaluations relieves tedious routines and enables production deployment. When a developer can translate test plans into program code, it increases efficiency. Laser vibrometers in quality control support short cycle times and flexible installation conditions. Measurement ranges, focus, and status values are exchanged through interfaces between testing software and the sensor.
Polytec provides intuitive and powerful interfaces and options for remote control and automation of measurement data acquisition and data analysis.
- Automation of recurring measurements and evaluations
- Integration into your own testing software via driver
- Remote adjustment of measurement settings
- Querying and monitoring the device status
- Better data quality through direct use of digital data

Basic Engine as integrated macro language
Do you want to make your tests in research and development more efficient? With the integrated macro language of Polytec system software, you can automate measurements and evaluations. The easy-to-use Basic® macro language gives you access to all important functions in an object-oriented programming environment. For example, the macros set measurement settings, start measurements, apply mathematical operators to the measurement data, write them to files or to a separate channel ("User defined data set") of the measurement file. Batch processing of your measurement data is also possible. The use of macros significantly increases the productivity of your Polytec measurement system.

COM/DCOM automation interface controlling Polytec system software
In your research department, if you value the flexibility of established programming tools such as MATLAB or Python, you can seamlessly integrate with the Polytec system software to control the measurement system via a COM/DCOM interface. Well-documented objects and methods can be easily incorporated into your code. Full access to measurement data, including all properties such as geometry and measurement parameters, is provided through the freely available API Polytec File Access. Extensive object references and example programs make it easy to get started quickly.
Polytec FileAccess is available for download via Polytec Update

Polytec Device Communication for integration into external programs
Wondering how to seamlessly integrate live measurement data into your test program without the hassle of dealing with data files? Polytec Device Communication offers an open-source, cross-platform driver compatible with Microsoft Windows and Linux for Polytec laser sensors. Equipped with practical example programs and a comprehensive object reference, you can effortlessly program data access, control hardware, and retrieve the operating status of Polytec sensors. The TCP/IP interface guarantees robust communication, facilitating the streaming of digital vibration data up to the MHz range. This simplifies the automation of vibration-based test benches with laser vibrometry.