Laser Doppler vibrometry
Laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) is currently the method that offers the best displacement and velocity resolution and is used in many fields of basic science. It enables femtometer amplitude resolution and is linear and therefore has a consistent amplitude right up to the very high frequency ranges – reaching more than 2 GHz at present.
The multi-path interferometry QTec® means reinventing laser vibrometry by eliminating the root cause of noise with engineered surfaces for highest optical sensitivity, enabling high-fidelity measurements on all surfaces To achieve these benefits in, QTec Vibrometers use for the first time a multi-path interferometer and reception diversity to recombine the best reading from different perspectives.
Stroboscopic video microscopy
Stroboscopic video microscopy (SVM) makes use of the fact that high-frequency vibrations at component level can be visualized with normal video cameras when rapid movements are visually frozen using short flashes of light.
Vibrometry typology
Whether measuring with a single laser point, or measuring with multiple laser beams at the same time, whether areal scanning of entire surfaces detecting the pure out-of-plane motions or 3D deflection shape analysis - there is a Polytec laser vibrometer to complete your task. Learn more about the different types of Polytec vibrometers.