
Polytec三维扫描式激光测振仪是目前世界上在研发过程中用于噪声和振动测量的最先进设备。系统使用三个独立的扫描头,获取所有方向的全部振动信息。PSV QTec 3D已广泛用于确定NVH、声学、结构动力学、超声学和有限元验证的工作变形和特征模态。

PSV QTec 3D的测试频率高达25 MHz,可用于无损评估(NDE)研究,还能完美集成至CAE环境中,提供3D形貌数据、模态分析和自动化接口。PSV QTec 三维扫描式激光测振仪分两种:紧凑笔记本型和台式工控机型。


  • 类有限元空间分辨率的非接触式全场振动测试
  • 测试时间短,最佳信噪比
  • 在工程表面上的速度最高可达10倍
  • 易于设置的机器视觉工具
  • 专业的CAE接口用于模型验证
  • 先进的形貌扫描单元确保测试数据真实可靠


  • 为您的应用提供开放式接口
  • 分紧凑式笔记本型和台式工控机型



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新的机器视觉技术使非接触式PSV-3D扫描式激光测振仪像任何便利的单点式激光测振仪一样易于操作使用,同时最大限度地减少培训需求。为了获得高质量测试数据,尤其是医疗器械的高频测试以及应力应变测量,三束激光的自动校准叠加是关键之所在。基于机器视觉技术的三维校准扫描保证了X, Y和Z向的μm级精度,测试速度更快、结果更可靠。



Optical Accessories

Vibrometer accessory PSV Geometry Scan Unit
Vibrometer accessory PSV Geometry Scan Unit

PSV-G-600 Geometry Scan Unit

Integrated laser distance sensor to measure the sample geometry.

PSV QTec Scanning Vibrometer PSV-A-535 Front Window for protection
PSV QTec Scanning Vibrometer PSV-A-535 Front Window for protection

PSV-A-535 Front Window

Protects the scanning mechanism against dust, wind and acoustic excitation at high dB levels.

Vibrometer accessory - set of mirrors for customized vibrometer test setups
Vibrometer accessory - set of mirrors for customized vibrometer test setups

A-MIR-xxxx Mirror Sets

Polytec's mirror sets contain different sizes of mirrors to assist in the set-up of your measurement.

Tripods, Test Stands, Positioning Stages

VIB-A-T02 Tripod with Pan/Tilt Head

Vibrometer accessory compact tripod for PSV-3D
Vibrometer accessory compact tripod for PSV-3D

PSV-A-T34 Table Tripod

Rigid support of 3 PSV scanning heads. Provides a configuration optimized for in-plane performance with small parts.

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PSV-A-T35 Table Tripod

Rigid support of 3 PSV scanning heads. Provides a narrow configuration optimized for out-of-plane performance with small parts.

Motorized tripod for PSV Scanning Vibrometer
Motorized tripod for PSV Scanning Vibrometer

PSV-A-T51 Motorized Tripod

Convenient motorized support for 3 PSV scanning heads.


PSV-A-015/016 system cabinet for Scanning Vibrometers
PSV-A-015/016 system cabinet for Scanning Vibrometers

PSV-A-015/016 System Cabinet

Ergonomic mobile workstation with storage for all parts and accessories.

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External Scanner Control

Allows for an additional control of the scanning mirrors by external voltage signals.

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VIB-A-HEAD Headphones

Headphone with noise limiter to listen to the vibrometer signal.

Vibrometer accessory Acoustic Gate Unit for PSV Scanning Vibrometer
Vibrometer accessory Acoustic Gate Unit for PSV Scanning Vibrometer

PSV-A-430 Acoustic Gate Unit

Activates the gate input if a noise exceeds a certain threshold. Suitable for event trigger applications such as brake squeal measurements.

Scalable Automatic Modal Hammer SAM

Excitation of sample for experimental modal tests with repeatable force level. Broadly configurable and avoids double hits reliably.

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A-RET-xxxx Retro-Reflective Supplies

Selection of sprays, tape, sheets and micro glass beads for improvement of signal to noise ratio when measuring uncooperative surfaces.

Your PolyXpert in Vibrometry